Thursday 3 January 2013

Correction and thanks

Have just realised that my maths in the last blog were incorrect and I have done the Vietnamese retail traders a great disservice. I quoted $60 dollars or so for the price of trousers and jackets; well its half that as I miscalculated the exchange rate, so forgive the senior moment. Mind you that having been said, I still think Paramo is the best quality gear you can get and its not available over here.

I know that people have been kindly writing on my Facebook page and as some of you will be aware from previous blogs; Facebook have cut me down in my prime so to speak and witheld access as I am a security risk visiting so many countries!!!! So I am unable to receive, read or reply to anyone which defeats the whole object of that social network site.

As I strongly hinted in the last blog, I have now taken the decision to return to the UK, a real shame in many ways, but the maths didn't add up (well they didn't above I know!). I would like to thank all of you who have taken the time and trouble to read the blogs which I hope you enjoyed and which I hope gave you a flavour of the diversity of countries and cultures it was my pleasure to experience along the way. I should also like to thank those who regularly sent emails of encouragement and support; always terrific to receive them and boosted the pedal ratios when the going was a little tough. I have appreciated every one of them believe me.

The bike:
Well what can I say about Cynthia! What a girl, my admiration for build quality goes to the chaps at Thorn who built a masterpiece of a bicycle. The Nomad is a cracking machine, bombproof, although I didn't hit ripio conditions as found in South America, she had enough to deal with plus weight and was superb. It is true to say she had many admiring glances along the way; may other cyclists recognised the bike and took photos. Thank you to Thorn for producing British bikes that sit with the best in the world, in fact they are the best. (By the way this is not a promo to Thorn, I'm not getting paid a penny, simply an appreciation of a quality machine.) During the approximate 10,300 kms covered (my computer went awol due to an iffy connection I think, so I cannot be exact.) all that went wrong was 10 punctures (8 before India); 2 broken spokes in Turkey and a slashed rear tyre in the Czech Republic.

I changed the chain in Hoi An, Vietnam
I changed the saddle in Turkey

Thats it; pretty good I think.

I would love to give you a breakdown as to the good and bad countries visited, but won't at this stage, except to say my favourite was Vietnam; a wonderful place.

Not sure what lies ahead; I have certainly got the cycling bug and maybe opportunities lie in cycle tourism which I shall investigate when I get home. At least I can appreciate what is required on such holidays and the planning that is necessary.

Thank you again to everyone; I've turned 62 today (there you go Quent and JB the secrets out) and you know what, it feels great.

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