Sunday 13 January 2013

Back in the UK and thanks

It seems almost surreal to be back in the UK looking out on a frosty field in Cheltenham. I have been back almost a week and much of me still seems to be cycling in Vietnam.

Having flown from Hanoi to Hong Kong, I was treated to two days hospitality at Hong Kong airport since I had a standby ticket. My arrival coincided with the busiest period after the Christmas holidays as virtually all of the Asian student population (or so it seemed) converged on the airport to be decanted to London, Sydney and North America. There are four flights a day with Cathay Pacific to London, all were full. I managed to get a seat on the seventh flight having crashed out in the airport overnight. Mine was not the only delay, in fact many on standby were worse, spending three or four days in the airport. I hooked up with an errant hippy from Torquay who told me he had been deported from Singapore and was looking to clear his name before returning and continuing to earn a crust busking. His name was Tim and he was quite a character, apparently ingratiating himself with the airport staff by picking up litter and collecting trolleys, all done with a smile and barefoot! The flight back was excellent and pleased to say Cynthia arrived safe as well.

I have just looked at the Virgin Giving Site on my blogsite and see that there have been many recent donations. This is the main reason for the blog, to thank all of you who have so generously donated. I can't tell you how much I appreciate the gesture, every penny goes to the charity and I'm chuffed to bits that in these harsh times, you have been so kind. THANK YOU to all, believe me, it means so much.

Not sure what the future holds in the short term other than replenishing the coffers, but another long distance cycle is planned down the line. Best wishes and grateful thanks to you all.

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